About Community Builders Council
Tel. 773 770-6166
Community Builders Council (CBC) is a grass root community organization advocating for issues it believes are essential for building community strength and wellbeing.
CBC’s main focus is on the following seven areas of personal and interpersonal living:
2. Family
3. Finance
4. Education
5. Civic Engagement
6. Health Promotion
7. Culture
Programming includes open mike discussions on these and other topics which are open to the public. There is presently one location where monthly forums are held: Northwest Suburban College, 5999 S. New Wilkie Rd, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 ( Bldg 400)
CBC believes that for a community to grow in strength and capacity a balanced and holistic approach is needed involving all seven areas outlined above. Towards this end CBC organizes its programs which include forums, workshops and career mentoring opportunities for high school and college students…
CBC realizes that knowledge is power and education is a lifelong process. Hence education does not have to end with school or college but needs to continue thru all stages of our lives. By establishing various physical and electronic channels of communication CBC works to serve the educational needs of its community members.CBC further believes that human beings can only reach their fullest potential through meeting and interacting with others and that networking is a skill to be learnt and practiced in order to be fully realized. Providing regular opportunities for networking is another important aspect of CBC’s work and programs. Empowering people through education and networking, hence remains CBC’s core mission.
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