Have you voted?
When You Vote Democracy Wins
It will be all over in a few hours now. You are witnesses to history as it is being made in America. Hopefully you have participated in this historic moment and not remained on the sidelines and in the shadows. Because politics is not a spectator sport. You count only when you are in the field and you play. So if you have voted then you have done your part and whether your candidate wins or loses be assured that you are a winner because through your action democracy has won. And if you have not voted then go out and vote before the polls close today ( 7pm CST in Illinois).
If you decide to remain silent and voiceless today, history will move on ignoring your presence and your existence. When you are disengaged with the system and you dislike it, you cannot change it either. The prophetic example is clear for all faith traditions. They strove and struggled against the systems of their times where they saw injustice and where they saw the absence of compassion in the practices of the day. What excuse do you have to sit this one out?
There is no excuse for not voting. There is no excuse for not knowing where to vote. There is no excuse for being too busy. There is no excuse for feeling your vote does not matter. There is no excuse for believing there are no good choices. None of those lame excuses matter. If we claim to be people of faith, then the path before us is as clear as it can be. All roads lead to the polling station. Go out and vote and become part of history. Go out and vote as a first step in a journey for change.
Find your voting place here:
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