It is Christmas Day today(1)
Thousands of Muslims living in America interact with millions of Christians who are either their colleagues at work or neighbors next doors to their homes. Is it wrong to wish them Merry Christmas for Christmas? Some Muslims would object to this expression, in the belief that it somehow taints our belief in the humanity of… Read More ›
In 2022 Let’s Recommit to Serve
Azher QuaderPresidentCommunity Builders Council (CBC)azherquader@yahoo.comJan 3, 2022 New years are usually ushered in with gatherings of friends or family over food andfun, talking about resolutions old and new, events and vacations along with hopes andplans for the coming year. 2021 was however very different, when most of us stayedhome through the year and worked remotely,… Read More ›
Course Correction
Azher Quader Chicago, The COVID 19 virus has wreaked havoc in the world in a few short months and caused powerful nations to become paralyzed. Entire countries have been shut down with their economies destroyed. With no treatment for cure and no vaccine for protection in sight, there is widespread panic as the case… Read More ›
Does Money Matter?
The obvious answer for those of us who are born or have lived long enough in the belly of the beast of capitalism, is of course yes. However, some people would have us believe that money does not matter. That living with austerity to the extent of being content in poverty is closer to piety. … Read More ›

The Pilgrims Return – What message do they bring?
Azher Quader Aug 14, 2019 Today was the final day when the pilgrims in Saudi Arabia left Mina after their 5 day stay there, to return to Mecca for their farewell tawaf before heading home. As we congratulate them on the successful completion of this important obligatory duty in our faith, we are at… Read More ›

Reflections: Beyond Banning Muslims
Azher Quader September 11, 2018 Today was the 17th anniversary of 911, a watershed moment in our nation’s history. When the twin towers in lower Manhattan fell that day and thousands perished, the world came to witness in silent horror, the awful power of hate. Over the years Americans have been fed a narrative… Read More ›
Eidul Adha 2018 : Message from the President
Azher Quader Thanks to the the lively controversy between the moon sighters of America and the moon sighters of Arabia we have two days of Eid ul Adha to celebrate here in Chicago. With all the wonderful advances in technology and communications the world has made, it is indeed impressive that we insist on… Read More ›
Reflections: “Elections Have Consequences”
Azher Quader How often are we told that elections have consequences? Yet how often do we ignore it. But that reality has hit home for many of us who have seen the very serious consequences recently of partisan politics showing its colors in the highest court of our country with the travel ban decision… Read More ›

“Seeking God”
“Tujhe aadam nahin miltha Khuda ki justajoo kaisi Thu hai begaana apna, Aashna ki justaju kaisi” Iqbal “You have trouble seeking humans to connect with , how do you expect to find God? You are unaware of yourself, how do you expect to find the Most Aware?” Some seek God in silent solitude and meditation…. Read More ›
Tarnished Scholars
Azher Quader Dec 4, 2017, Chicago The recent allegations pertaining to the sexual abuses of Tariq Ramadan, a revered and beloved Islamic scholar and leader in the Muslim community, has created shockwaves among his staunch admirers and ardent followers who live worldwide. He has denied the allegations of course and at some point… Read More ›